Also known as Aquafit, Hydrotherapy is an aerobics or therapy session in the pool that can maintain and improve stamina, strength, and suppleness and increase cardiovascular fitness. Unlike aerobics on land, Hydrotherapy is low-impact, and the cushioning effect of the water protects joints in the spine, ankle, hip, and knees. It is suitable for people of all ages as participants can work at various levels by increasing effort and using resistive equipment. Offered in a warm pool temperature ranging from 84 to 92 degrees Fahrenheit, these temperatures will help the body relax and reach potential ranges of motion.
Hydrotherapy is an excellent water exercise to aid with the development of cardiovascular and respiratory fitness while providing multiple benefits toward achieving greater overall health. It helps with muscle relaxation, improves joint motion, and reduces pain. Our Hydrotherapy pool offers superior water current technology and hydromassage systems for our fitness and rehabilitation programs.