Health Bound Health Network is committed to ensuring that the quality of service we provide is of the highest standard. Below you can find the most recent results of the clients we have surveyed to date. The survey was administered to patients over a one year period from January 2019 – January 2020, among the various Health Bound locations. 342 patients completed the questionnaire anonymously, the following graphs indicate the results.
How satisfied are you with the courtesy of the reception staff ?
- Very satisfied
- Somewhat satisfied
- Somewhat dissatisfied
- Very Dissatisfied
How long you had to wait to be seen by a therapist?
- Under 5 minutes
- From 5 to 10 minutes
- From 10 to 20 minutes
- 20 minutes and over
Did you get answers to all your questions from the therapist regarding your condition and/or treatment?
- I received answers to all my questions
- I received answers to most of my questions
- I received answers to some of my questions
- I did not get answers to my questions
Did you get enough information from the therapist on how to prevent the reoccurrence of the condition and possible complications?
- Yes, I received thorough information about my condition
- Yes, I received basic information about my condition
- Somewhat, I received some information
- No, I received no information on my condition
Overall, how satisfied are you with your treatment?
- Very satisfied, my expectations were exceeded
- Somewhat satisfied, my expectations were met
- Somewhat dissatisfied, I expected more
- Very dissatisfied, disappointed
Were you able to schedule your next appointment at a convenient time?
- Yes, my appointment was scheduled exactly when I wanted
- Yes, but my first option was not available
- Somewhat, I had to pick from not-so-convenient hours available
- I was unable to schedule an appointment to make my visit possible
Overall, how satisfied are you with experience at our clinic
- Very satisfied
- Somewhat satisfied
- Somewhat dissatisfied
- Very Dissatisfied