Rights of Persons Served

Services will be delivered in a manner that respects the right of the person served. Health Bound Health Network employees are responsible for protecting those rights. Complaints, concerns, or grievances will be dealt with openly, courteously, and efficiently.

Staff will be given an orientation to the client’s rights during their probationary employment period and must become familiar with Agency Policies and Procedures. Each staff member is responsible for ensuring that client rights are respected through ethical and professional conduct and that the necessary steps are taken to protect the confidentiality of client files and other client-specific information.

Purpose of Policy

To ensure that all persons served have a clear understanding of their rights, Health Bound Health Network will communicate and share these rights in a meaningful manner with each individual.  These rights will be shared before or at the initiation of service delivery and reviewed annually if persons served are in a program for longer than one year.


The Rights of Persons Served will be available for review and clarification. During the intake process, the person served will be asked to read and sign a copy of this policy. This form will be kept in the central client file. Each agency program will identify and address the unique and specific issues of the persons served to ensure and support their engagement in their individualized service plans. Health Bound Health Network policies and procedures will promote the following rights of the persons served.


  • Be treated fairly and respectfully
  • Privacy
  • Confidentiality of information
  • Freedom from abuse, exploitation, retaliation, humiliation, and neglect
  • A clear, supported complaint process
  • Refuse services from HBHN (the refusal of services does not preclude individuals from accessing services from HBHN in the future)
  • Receive services in a manner that is non-coercive and protects the client’s right to self-determination
  • Have families and legal guardians participate in decision-making.

Health Bound Health Network is committed to the goal of affecting individual change amongst our clients, recognizing the unique capacities and strengths of each person. In working with clients, HBHN will respect and acknowledge individual diversity, such as (but not limited to):

  • Culture
  • Gender
  • Sexual orientation
  • Spiritual beliefs
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Language

Language Barriers

The demographic make-up of HBHN clients is by and large made up of English-speaking clients. However, if there is a need for non-English interpretation, we have designated staff who speak Russian, Portuguese, Ukrainian, and Armenian. These staff will be utilized for translation purposes. In addition, attempts will be made to acquire an interpreter for other languages.

Persons with Special Needs

Most of our clients with special needs are aged 0-6 years.  For clients or participants with special needs, a Board Maker communication tool is available in several locations and on the Intervention laptop computers.

Client Review

All records and files are the property of Health Bound Health Network. The client has full access to their information in the Service File under the supervision and support of their Health Bound Health Network staff. This procedure is explained to the client/family during the orientation process. Access by the caregiver, or anyone else, must be by written consent of the client, by court order, or by submitting a formal request. Health Bound Health Network staff may withhold information in the file from the client if it is information provided by a third party, and that party has not consented to the client viewing the information, or; the staff believes the information would be detrimental to the well-being or best interest of the client. In either case, the client may file a complaint or apply for the information by applying under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act:


Health Bound Health Network staff may provide a copy of the file information to the client rather than the actual file if the Health Bound Health Network staff suspects the client may damage the contents of the file; or if the client requests a copy of the information. Health Bound Health Network staff should consult with the Medical Coordinator if there is any question as to whether a client should have access to a file/information.

Guidelines for Sharing of Information:

  • Must Share is required to share under law, under a court order, or under the specific written policy, or; it is our duty to share to protect the health, safety, and well-being of the client or others in the community.
  • Should Share we should share information necessary to support the continuity of care, integrated case management, or quality services.
  • Should Not Share information irrelevant to the case or not necessary to assist our clients and fulfill our job requirements. If a dispute arises between a client and Health Bound Health Network staff from different components regarding sharing information, the Medical Coordinator should be consulted to resolve the dispute. The Directing Manager(s) may consult with the Medical Coordinator if they do not reach an agreement to resolve the issue or require further clarification. The matter should be referred immediately to the Directing Manager if a dispute arises with another service provider regarding releasing information.

Client Complaints

The Directing Manager is responsible for ensuring that policies and procedures are in place to review and act upon complaints, grievances, and Reportable Incidents.

Employees will inform the Directing Manager when clients, family members, referral agents, or public members submit complaints. The steps taken by the Directing Manager to resolve the complaint will be reviewed and modified as needed to resolve the issue. In addition, the management team will support the resolution of complaints and monitor trends within programs and worksites.

Program Coordinators will monitor and track complaints and grievances by keeping a file of notes regarding complaints received and written responses to those complaints.

Client Complaint Procedure

At the client’s request, they will receive a step-by-step complaint process that clearly articulates the Agency’s formal complaint procedure. The assigned Health Bound Health Network staff will explain to the client, and the client’s guardian/caregiver/support person that filing a formal grievance will not result in any retaliatory action on behalf of the Agency nor restrict services in any way. Their attention will be drawn to the complaint procedure and the relevant Directing Manager’s contact information.


A complaint can be made in one of three ways:

  • By sending a written complaint to the Directing Manager.
  • By calling the Directing Manager directly and verbally making the complaint.
  • A support person (e.g., caregiver, advocate) to help make the complaint.

Again, this can be done by sending a written complaint or telephone.


Upon receiving the written complaint, the Directing Manager will phone the client within 48 hours and attempt to solve the problem that led to the complaint, if possible. However, if the complaint is made directly by phone to the Directing Manager, they will make every attempt to address the issue immediately. If they cannot do so, they will call the client within 48 hours and attempt to resolve the complaint.


If the complaint remains unresolved, the Directing Manager will offer to schedule a meeting, at the individual’s convenience, within 7 days. The client will receive written notification as to time, place, and circumstances. If appropriate, the assigned Health Bound Health Network staff will be invited as well as any caregiver/advocate/support individual the client indicates they would like to have present. Every attempt will be made to resolve the complaint. If the client cannot put the complaint in writing, the Directing Manager will do so based on the verbal complaint and ask the client to verify the accuracy of the facts and sign the form. A copy will be made available to the client.


If the complaint remains unresolved, the Directing Manager will offer to schedule a formal review within 21 days involving the Medical Coordinator or their delegate. The client will be invited to come with any caregiver/advocate/support person they wish. The client will receive written notification as to time, place, and circumstances. This is the final attempt at complaint resolution from the Agency’s end. The client will be notified if the complaint is not resolvable at this level. As part of the Agency’s closure on the matter, a ‘Note of Closure’ will be drafted and a copy sent to the client.


As part of its ‘Quality Assurance Procedures,’ the Agency will review all complaints semi-yearly.  A report will be generated and provided to the Medical Coordinator with attached recommendations on proposed improvements to the complaint resolution process.  The Medical Coordinator will incorporate findings and recommendations into the Annual Review.


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